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Incredibly Small Photobooks


Incredibly Small Photobooks
Erik Kessels & Paul Kooiker
Art Paper Editions


64 pages
300×370 mm
ISBN: 978-9-49080-0154


For several years, Paul Kooiker and Erik Kessels have organized evenings for friends in which they share the strangest photo books in their collections. The books shown are rarely available in regular shops, but are picked up in thrift stores and from antiquaries. The group’s fascination for these pictorial non-fiction books comes from the need to find images that exist on the fringe of regular commercial photo books. It’s only in this area that it’s possible to find images with an uncontrived quality. This constant tension makes the books interesting. It’s also worth noting that these tomes all fall within certain categories: the medical, instructional, scientific, sex, humour or propaganda. Paul Kooiker and Erik Kessels have made a selection of their finest books from within this questionable new genre. Incredibly small photobooks is the second volume (after Terribly awesome photobooks) showing this amazing collection.
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He might not shoot pictures himself, but the Dutch art director and collector Erik Kessels has certainly changed the way we think about photography. As a curator of amateur photography, he’s elevated discarded images to gallery status, finding beauty and insight in pictures of, say, 20th century German police uniforms, or one woman’s lifelong love of fairground shooting galleries.
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Paul Kooiker is a photographer from The Netherlands.
www.paulkooiker.comAPE (Art Paper Editions) is an independent publishing platform. APE was founded in 2010 by Jurgen Maelfeyt and Caroline De Malsche and focusses on the book as an exhibition space. APE works with artists and institutions.