See What I See
Jessica Bishopp
Self Published
172 pages
230×260 mm
ISBN :978-0-99267-930-9
In November 2012 Jessica Bishopp taught 18 students between the ages of 16 and 20 from The Gambia Senior Secondary School in Banjul the basics of photography in relation to themselves and their environment, then gave them an open brief and a disposable camera to use over 4 days.
These photographs show an insight into the Gambian students’ lives that an outsider could never capture. The photographs are intimate and candid, and each comes with a personal explanation of why they took the image and why it is important to them; bringing a new perspective to images of Africa from the inside and not the usual outside looking in.
The project has resulted in a published a book of the Gambian students’ photographs and an exhibition in London.
Jessica Bishopp is a London based designer and photographer.