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Across Borders – Across the Board

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Across Borders – Across the Board
Creative Europe Desk Ireland – Culture Office


This booklet profiles Irish participation in the EU’s Culture Programme (2007–2013) and serves to highlight Irish successes. It demonstrates the range of activities and the breadth of collaboration between Irish organisations and international partners. It also acts as a resource for those interested in learning more about the programme. It provides concrete examples of successful projects that should be of interest to organisations and individuals working in the culture sector in Ireland who wish to develop transnational projects with support from the Creative Europe Programme 2014–2020. The benefits of leading or partnering in transnational projects include reaching audiences outside of the national context; learning from peers and sharing best practice models; networking and developing international contacts; developing potential for further collaboration; and increasing mobility for individual artists. The information presented here provides a snapshot of the projects in which Irish organisations participated up to 2014. Some projects were still ongoing at the time and others were unable to provide complete information. In many cases the main Irish partner has provided an updated record of the project and a testimonial, while in other cases the sole source of information is the text from the original project proposal as recorded in the Culture Programme results database. There has been a steady increase in the number of Irish organisations applying for EU funding for cultural projects. With the launch of the Creative Europe Programme 2014–2020, the Culture Office of Creative Europe Desk Ireland looks forward to supporting the sector in the development of new proposals, and to their success in the future. It is hoped that Irish projects will enjoy increasing success during the course of the Creative Europe programme.