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Yunmi’s Album

Yunmi’s Album – From the Cradle to the Weddingphoto (5)
/ 윤미네 집 – 윤미 태어나서 시집가던 날까지
Jeon Mong Gag / 전몽각
The Museum of Photography Seoul


207 pages
270×190 mm
ISBN: 978-8-99381-808-6


Yunmi’s Album is a father’s photographic documentation of his daughter’s life from the cradle, in 1964, until her wedding day, in 1989. This photobook, spanning over 20 years of the subject’s life, invites us to feel the love of a father for his daughter through the medium of photography.

The Museum of Photography, Seoul is a photography museum in Bangi-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, South Korea.