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Y tú, ¿por qué eres negro?

Y tú, ¿por qué eres negro?

Rubén H. Bermúdez
Phree + Motto
English and Spanish

240 pages
160 x 120 mm
ISBN: 9788494363598

“Can an autobiographical tale tell the personal stories of many? This is what Rubén H. Bermúdez achieves through the pages of the photo book ‘And you, why are you black?” where, starting from an investigation into the origins of black slavery in Spain, the author constructs an autobiographical tale that acts as a political essay, rescuing his memory captured in the images, conversations and symbols that marked his life and thus narrates the everyday and the extraordinary of a society seen from a black perspective.”

About the artist
Rubén is a Spanish photographer and a teacher. He teaches workshops, lectures and researches on the representation of negritude. He is responsible for the ‘creation library’ in the ‘Espacio Afroconciencia’ and writes for ‘Clavo Ardiendo Magazine’. His work is part of the Community of Madrid’s collection of contemporary art.