Twin Palms
Tooth For An Eye
Deborah Luster
64 pages
17 x 14 inches
ISBN 978-1-931885-96-6
Published in 2003
The city of New Orleans is a topographical/ architectural/material/cultural phenomenon with a diverse population participating in raucously colorful and fascinating pursuits and rituals. Homicide is a cultural fact of the life in the city as well. In her second book, Tooth for an Eye: A Chorography of Violence in Orleans Parish, Deborah Luster explores the city in a new way, creating a compelling portrait in the form of a photographic archive of contemporary and historic homicide sites. Following on from her first book, Prisoners of Louisiana, Tooth for an Eye explores the themes of loss and remembrance in a series of tondo photographs that offer an opportunity for the viewer to enter deeper into the idea of the city, a place where life and death coexist, neither free of the other’s infuence.
Tooth For An Eye is Deborah Luster’s second book with Twin Palms. Her first book, One Big Self, was published in 2003 and is a unique record of Louisiana’s prison population.