Walther König
Boris Mikhailov
240 pages
29 x 21.5 cm
ISBN 978-3-86560-877-2
Published in 2011
The images in Tea Coffee Cappuccino, most of them taken over the past 10 years, represent life in Ukraine and form a continuation of the three main series Mikhailov did in the past reflecting the collapse of the Soviet world (By the Ground, 1991; At Dusk, 1993; and Case History, 1997).
In this new series Mikhailov continues the search of the changes occurring in the post-Soviet era. As he states in the afterword, “A new age has come—the age of bussiness…”. Everything can be bought and sold. Most of the photos were taken in Kharkov, but similar scenes can be found in Moscow, Odessa, Kiev… From the poor who survived the difficult 1990s to a new social stratum formed by small propietors and private businessmen, Mikhailov depicts the arrival of large-scale industrial capitalism into Ukranian people lives.
Information provided by Dalpine publishers.