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Sarajevo 1992 – 2008


Sarajevo 1992-2008
Gervasio Sanchez

96 pages
23.5 x 16.5
ISBN: 978-84-9801-382-5

In the conflict in Bosnia-Herzegovina two and half million inhabitants (60% of the total population) were forced from their homes victims of ethnic cleansing. Half still living outside the borders of Bosnia-Herzegovina or maintains the IDP status. 250,000 Bosnians were killed, of whom 16,000 were children. Only 1601 children died in Sarajevo. There are over 25,000 children parent orphans throughout the country.

This war has made professional and personal life of Gervasio Sánchez, “is a rare day that my memory does not stop in that conflict. I learned that the war can not be counted. The horror is unimaginable for anyone who has not experienced it. ” Optimists say the city has not lost its cosmopolitan spirit while pessimists believe that has dissolved in distress after the war.But most Europeans exclaim: “We betrayed during the war and we have left after the peace agreements.”