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Tiny Clustering Lights vs Infinite Darkness Forever, or How Many Humans Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb

Tiny Clustering Lights vs Infinite Darkness Forever, or How Many Humans Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb by Paul Schiek

TBW Books
Subscription Series 1
Tiny Clustering Lights vs Infinite Darkness Forever, or How Many Humans Does it Take to Change a Lightbulb
Paul Schiek

5 x 7 inches
Published in 2006

Paul’s library of images beg for the answer. The photos act as signpost to evoke emotion, which leads to somewhere, if not the answer. Like his previous book, ‘Good By Angels’, the new collection is a nihilistic yet hopeful and wistful look at the human experience. Rather than focusing on dark spaces as a place of uncertainty, this collection uses blown-out light to wash the image in obscurity. Paul takes a pseudo-documentary approach and flips it drastically in post photo stages with editing and sequencing.

Information retrieved from TBW Books publishing.