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Near East / Far West

Rainer Sioda
Pogo Books

64 pages
280 x 200 mm
ISBN 9783942547628

Our western conceptions of middle eastern countries are shaped by media. Primarily, they are influenced by american films based on the wars in that region. The images of the incessant wartime reports from Afghanistan, syria and iraq that have been transmitted to living rooms and smartphones over the last few decades accumulate within us as a series of visual stereotypes and projections. We are developing a second-hand visual memory, an imaginary picture archive in our minds. When we call it up, we see streets destroyed by bombs, shotout cars, the barriers and sandbags of checkpoints, desert scenes, arabic characters, curtains wafting in front of doorways, military camps, oriental ornaments and architecture, ruined world heritage…

About the Artist
Berlin based Photographer, Born 1958 in Treuenbrietzen.

About the Publisher
PogoBooks is an independant publishing company focused on affordable limited edition art books, catalogues, editions and zines in small print runs. We believe in a future printed on paper, and conceive the printed artwork as a uniques artform. PogoBooks is a platform, an archive and collective for contemporary arts and photography.