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Mother India – Searching for a Place


Mother India- Searching for a place
Isadora Tast

144 pages
25.5 x 28 cm
ISBN: 978-3-941825-00-0

The best person to give information about the state of a society is someone who has dropped out of it. The value system of a community can be inferred from the way the individual has dropped out and the reaction to it. The drop-out is society’s revenge on itself.” Christian Schüle

In her insistent series “Mother India” Isadora Tast shows sensitive portraits from very diverse people, who came to India during their search for a homeland and for meaning and just stayed there. They come from Germany, England, France, Italy, but also from Mexico, Azerbaijan or Canada. They set forth with clear aims and blurred dreams – but they all are on the search for a more fulfilled life.

Short vitas and extracts from conversations, which Isadora Tast held with the emigrants, give information about the different motivations and the question if the drop-outs’ wishes and imaginations have been fulfilled.

A detailed essay by Christian Schüle, which deals with the identity of the dropout in 25 fragments, introduces the sequence.