Demolition Site / 데몰리션 사이트
Jihyun Jung / 정지현
KT&G Sangsangmadang
English and Korean
72 pages
230×260 mm
ISBN: 978-8-99468-135-1
‘Demolition Site’ of Jihyun Jung shows us the artist’s traces left in a demolition site in redevelop area. We think we have been used to those sites but at the same time in some way we haven’t. People both desire and feel uncomfortable about newly built cities, which are built only for political and economic benefits trampling on their past.
KT&G SangsangMadang, a multi-culture complex opened in September 2007, provides a great support in order to create new culture by proposing and sharing various fields of trends including performance, film screening, design, visual arts and education.