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Cose Ritrovate


Cose Ritrovate
Paolo Simonazzi


104 pages
200×250 mm
ISBN: 978-88-31719-30-8

The thing that interests the photographer Simonazzi, like the great masters who inspired him, are the lives and feelings of those very odd people who perceive the world at the imprecise limits of the real and the surreal. His photos are set in unexpected places where things suddenly appear, laden with meanings that were thought lost, while the dreams and the illusions become stories to tell.
Denis Curti

Paolo Simonazzi was born in Reggio Emilia in 1961. His photographs are set in unexpected places where things appear without warning; in those side roads where the limit between real and surreal is blurred and it is easier to come into contact with humble, yet extraordinary strangeness that can put a smile on every day life.

Marsilio Editori (RCS Group), established in Venice fifty years ago, is one of the leading Italian publishers with over 8000 titles. Under the Marsilio and Sonzogno brands, its publications range from fiction and non-fiction to illustrated books and catalogues.