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Common Ground

Common Groundcommon_ground
Sarah E. James
Yale University Press


268 pages
260×200 mm
ISBN: 978-0-30018-444-0


This ambitious publication is the first book to thoroughly evaluate the photography that emerged during Germany’s geopolitical division from the 1950s to the 1980s. With richly illustrated and exhaustively researched analyses of photographic projects from East and West Germany, including exhibitions, photo-essays, private archives, and photo-books, Common Ground constructs a comparative perspective, examining how sequence, seriality, and repetition were mobilised to produce forms of solidarity and political agency.

Sarah E. James is a lecturer in the History of Art, at the University College London.

Yale University Press is a university press associated with Yale University. It was founded in 1908 by George Parmly Day, and became an official department of Yale University in 1961, but remains financially and operationally autonomous.