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BredaPhoto 2018: To Infinity and Beyond

BredaPhoto 2018: To Infinity and Beyond;
Photographers Exploring the Opportunities and dangers in a Technological Era
BredaPhoto Festival
The Eriskay Connection

232 pages
220 x 300 mm
ISBN 9789492051400



BredaPhoto Festival shows the state of affairs in contemporary photography based on an internationally relevant, social theme. The title of the 2018 edition is ‘To Infinity and Beyond’, focusing on the fundamental change technology and science bring to the world around us. But will it induce nothing but progress? Or are we at risk of opening a Pandora’s box full of unwelcome surprises? Clustered in six domains; Cosmos, Intelligence, Biology, Society, God and Image, the festival’s publication explores the opportunities, the dangers, and the dilemmas of technological progress.
About the Publisher
The Eriskay Connection is a Dutch studio for book design and an independent publisher of art books at the intersection of photography, research, social issues and science. They are working on storytelling projects with photographers, artists and writers. Our authors examine relevant social matters, expose histories, elaborate visual studies, change perspectives or give directions to their view on the future. And by doing so they provide new and necessary insights into the world around us.

The key for Eriskay is to convey what makes a story unique, through high quality editing and design. Editions are mainly offset printed and bound in The Netherlands and we strive to work with local producers as much as possible.