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Blackdrop Island

blackdrop island

Blackdrop Island
Klara Källström
Poem by Viktor Johansson


160 pages
241×304 mm
ISBN: Not available


‘In Klara Källströms’ Blackdrop Island, she plays with the idiom “to dig where you stand”. What happens if you do that? You come to the other side of the planet.’
– Sinziana Ravini, Microfictions, 2009

The photographs were taken during a stay in Tokyo in 2008 and a revisit in 2010. Documenting things at night, when darkness creates black backdrops and only allows us see a bit of the scenery, is something that occupies Klaras’ interest. It becomes “partially a fictional documentation”, she says. Viktor Johansson has written a poetic suite accompanying the images and the result is shown in the book as two parallel worlds, encapsulated in double-folded sheets.

Klara Källström, born April 15, 1984, is a Swedish photographer and artist living in Stockholm.

B-B-B-Books is a Stockholm based publisher with a focus on photography. Founded in 2011 by artist Klara Källström & Thobias Fäldt and designers 1:2:3.