Berlin 1878 – 1987
Boris Becker
Design & Editing by Claudio Pfeifer & Boris Becker
Essays by Gerhart Baum (Federal Minister of the Interior from 1978-1982)
and Roswitha Haring.
Cloth covered hardcover with tipped-in image
128 Pages
170 x 215 mm
ISBN 9783942547499
The book “Berlin 1978-1987” shows the photographers early work, shot on 35mm and medium format, that gained importance through the course of history and changes of our perception. Boris Becker photographed in a divided Berlin. In his images we can see the war and the separation of the city and what it caused in both parts. The book is arranged in chapters that form image-groups and also testify of the political sensitivity of the artist: The east and west sector of the city, the wall and border installations, the desolate diplomatic-district, the subway reduced to empty wooden wagons and deserted stations, and a series of bunkers that will become Beckers most extensive series later on with over 700 images of World War II bunkers.
About the artist
The photographer Boris Becker describes himself as an image finder. The master-class pupil of Düsseldorfs Becher-class, 1961 born in cologne (germany), is one oft the most influential photo-artists. Less the symbolic power of the motive rather than the visual impact of the buildings and landscapes are the main focus of his work.
Boris Becker
About the publisher
PogoBooks is an independent publishing company focused on affordable limited edition art books, catalogues, editions and zines in small print runs. We believe in a future printed on paper, and conceive the printed artwork as a unique artform. PogoBooks is a platfom, an archive and collective for contemporary arts and photography.
The Berlin-based publishing-house was founded by Claudio Pfeifer in 2010.