Nina Korhonen
104 pages
Hardback fabric cover
ISBN: 9197489409
Winner of “Best Photobook 2004” in Sweden.
Memories form an important element in Nina Korhonen’s autobiographically motivated series of photographs. Starting from found colour snapshots of her grandfather, she develops her own history taken from the world of the “American way of life” at which in the centre is her grandmother who emigrated to the U.S. in 1959. In large format colour photographs a dialogue is created between two women from different generations.
Nina Korhonens exhibition is a story about her grandmother Anna who alone emigrated to U.S.A in 1959. She was 40 years old, had just lost her job, and it was bad times in Finland. It was now time to make real the childhood dream of the “Wonderland” America. More than 30 years later the photographer follows her grandmothers everydaylife during a period of seven years. The photographs are close to everydaylife, sensual and warm -with a lot of humour.