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Alone Together


Alone Together
Kaya Books
English and Japanese


68 pages
210×300 mm
ISBN: 978-4-99079-100-1


‘I may have been your great-grandmother.
Your face, passing by me, I know it.
At a certain point in time, I began to think there are no unrelated people in this world. I feel as if I had been taught this by my daughter who had never been born into this world, and by the death of friends who have died too soon.
As we engage in our lives, each of us who live as individual existences will, at a certain moment, come across each other suddenly. When we do, all proper names will be stripped away and we all become “I,” just one of the number of people in the world. At the root of life that breathes in the depths of each of us, we will feel that we are all directly connected.
When in a large crowd of people, I vanish.
Within the “countless I’s,” the “big I.”’

Mi-Yeon was born in Seoul, South Korea. She graduated from Paris College of Photography, icart photo, France. She currently makes work and lives in Tokyo, Japan. 

Kaya Books is a group of dedicated writers, artists, readers, and lovers of books working together to publish the most challenging, thoughtful, and provocative literature being produced throughout the Asian and Pacific Island diasporas.