Autograph ABP
Devoir de mémoire / A Biography of Disappearance
Omar D
Edited by Tom O Mara
Essay Disappearance as a Consequence of a Lawless State Power by Lahouari Addi
Preface by Kate Allen
2007. 200 pages. 57 colour, 24 duotone images and 375 colour identity card photographs
257 x 210 mm
ISBN 978-1-899282-11-1
Between 10,000 – 20,000 people disappeared in Algeria in the decade following the cancellation of the general election of 1992. On opening this book, page upon page of faces introduce the reader to this national tragedy.
Using the testimony of the families of some of those who have disappeared, Omar D’s photographs present the places where events occurred, their relationship to the surrounding urban and rural landscapes and the lives of those who have been affected. A striking and forceful body of work, compiled during a single winter as a commission by Autograph ABP, his images tell the story of a practice that has become widespread throughout the world.