Anastasia Bogomolova
Self Published
40 pages
210×280 mm
ISBN: Not available
40 pages
210×280 mm
ISBN: Not available
“Lookbook, where I use my mother’s old clothes, 1990s’ cosmetics and grandmother’s fabrics as a background, has grown out of a desire to restore the images of women of elder generations in the family. But eventually it has turned into a story about the search for my own femininity and sexuality, my first idea of which was formed by Soviet fashion magazines. Working on this project, I reconstructed a girl’s ritual of fitting her mother’s dresses, trying to rethink childish experience already in adulthood, when I’m approaching the age when my mother gave birth to me.”
Anastasia Bogomolova, artist, curator, photobook collector and researcher, founder of the first Russian language blog about photobooks “This is a photobook”.
Anastasia Bogomolova – Lookbook (book preview) from ulyss_yes on Vimeo.