Instituto Cervantes
Here and Now: Documentary Photography in Contemporary Spain
Matías Costa, Iñaki Domingo, Paco Gómez, Jorquera, Carlos Luján, Juan Valbuena, Eduardo Nave, Juan Millás, Tanit Plana, Juan Santos, Carlos Sanva, Jonás Bel, Eva Sala, Marta Soul
47 pages
English edition (Spanish edition also available)
ISBN: 978-84-88252-65-4
Aquí y Ahora (Here and Now) is a photography exhibition jointly organised by the Instituto Cervantes and the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo AECID (Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development). This exhibition comprises thirteen personal representations of themes, both old and new, that define contemporary Spain: immigration, bulls, tourism, water, land, people, housing, marriage, family memory, terrorism, motorbikes, religion and bars.