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Eyes On Paris | Paris im Fotobuch | 1980 Bis Heute

Eyes On Paris | Paris im Fotobuch | 1980 Bis Heute 
Edited by Hans-Michael Koetzle
Haus de Photographie Deichtorhallen Hamburg
German & English


418 pages
ISBN 9783777441313


Paris is certainly the most photographed city in the world. Eyes of Paris shows how major photographers saw Paris, and experienced the city with the camera. No city was so often the subject of deliberate conceived photo books like Paris. Beginning with Eugène Atget, the band presents in chronological order the most important Paris-related photo books. The book spans from documentaries of old Paris to the ‘humanist photography’ of the 1950s to the present with names like Andreas Gursky or William Eggleston. Each title is presented in detail with a view to its conception and reception. Selected double pages prove the peculiarity of the respective book. Eyes of Paris is in a history of photography, culture and history – and takes the reader on a journey to the Seine.