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‘Point.51: Journey’

131 pages
240 x 170 mm
ISSN 26316676

This photobook travels from Serbia to the French-Italian border, to the North of England and the often-maligned French city of Calais to explore the journey undertaken by asylum seekers searching for sanctuary, as well as that of the ordinary citizens living in the towns and communities caught up in the largest mass movement of people to and across Europe since World War II.

About the Publisher:
This photobook is self-published by ‘Point.51,’ based in London. The magazine takes its name from the historic maritime boundary between Britain and France, which has for centuries served as a point of both connection and division between the UK and Europe. Published twice a year, each issue of Point.51 explores a single theme, working through it slowly and in depth, taking the view from the ground up. They are interested in human experiences and individual perspectives, and stay with the stories they cover for sustained periods of time.