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The Breathing Factory


The Breathing Factory
Mark Curran
Edition Braus

168 pages
ISBN-10: 3899042166

Ireland is one of the most globalized economies in the world. Global multinationals, especially from North America have shifted operations in this country, which is now known as a “trans-global work site.” The Breathing Factory directed his attention to the Hewlett-Packard Manufacturing and Technology Campus, a 19-acre manufacturing plant in Leixlip in eastern Ireland, in the more than 2500 workers are employed. HP is the largest ICT employers (information and communication technology) in Ireland and the second largest ICT manufacturers worldwide. Work on The Breathing Factory took a total of 20 months. Each visit by the photographer Marc Curran had planned ahead, and released all the time accompanied by the security forces over. Strict monitoring is itself an essential part of the project, it is the essence of the place and clearly shows how global companies protect their investment.

About the Artist
Mark Curran is a practice-led researcher and educator living and working in Berlin and Dublin. He completed a practice-led PhD at the Centre for Transcultural Research and Media Practice, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) (2011), lectures on the BA (Hons) Photography programme, Institute of Art, Design and Technology (IADT), Dublin and is Visiting Professor on the MA in Visual and Media Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin. Incorporating multi-media installation informed by ethnographic understandings, his practice addresses the predatory context of migrations and flows of global capital. His first long-term project, SOUTHERN CROSS (Gallery of Photography, Dublin 2002), was widely published and exhibited and The Breathing Factory (Edition Braus/Belfast Exposed Photography/Gallery of Photography 2006), the outcome of his doctoral research has been extensively presented, including, DePaul Art Museum (DPAM), Chicago (2010), Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai (2010) and FORMAT, Derby (2013).

About the Publisher
Edition Braus publishes books on photography, art, garden, travel and architecture.