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Mahiru – In The Middle Of The Day | 真昼

Mahiru – In The Middle Of The Day | 真昼in_the_middle_of_the_day
Tomoki Imai
Seigensha Art Publishing


104 pages
22 x28 cm
ISBN : 491-0694-49-2


Another beautiful and classic book from Japan. This was Tomoki Imai’s first book, released in 2001. There is a sense of patient longing to the places and things in this book, and a sense of solitude and solace. Everything seems to come alive when caught at just the right moment. Quiet buildings, lonely treetops, empty clearings, and sleeping cars all hidden under the glow of streetlights, shadows, and broad daylight. All just waiting for the moment when the ordinary becomes the surreal. 

Tomoko Imai was born in 1974, and lives and works in Tokyo, Japan.

Seigensha Art Publishing specialises in art, design and photography books, and are based in Japan.