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Black Power Black Panthers 1969

Black Power Black Panthers 1969 by Janine WiedelBlack Power Black Panthers 1969
Janine Wiedel
Published by Cafe Royal Books

36 pages
140 x 200 mm

No description available.

About the Artist:

Janine Wiedel is an American documentary photographer and visual anthropologist based in London who has been covering issues of social concern since the late 1960s. Her career has mainly focused on groups struggling to survive on the edges of mainstream society. These projects have become major studies, books and exhibitions, and have fed into Wiedel’s extensive archive and  photolibrary which contains a unique collection of stock images covering a wide range of social issues including: education, protest, youth, alternative lifestyles, multicultural communities, drugs and social exclusion.

About the Publisher:
Café Royal Books (founded 2005) is an independent publisher based in Southport, England. Originally set up as a way to disseminate art, in multiple, affordably, quickly, and internationally while not relying on ‘the gallery’. Café Royal Books publishes artist’s books and zines as well as a weekly series of photobook/zines. The photographic publications are part of a long ongoing series, generally working with photographers and their archives, to publish work, which usually falls into 1970–2000 UK documentary / reportage.